Image processing
Highlights of Image Processing systems:
- Ensuring high quality
- Customer-specific interface
- Measured values for each tested component
- Data linking to MS-Excel and MS-Access programs
- Saving error patterns
- LAN connection
- Creating test protocols

The image processing systems are divided into different categories:
- Small image processing systems, also called intelligent sensors, are now increasingly used at places where simple inductive or capacitive sensors were used years ago.
- Smart systems are image processing systems with a Chip and the complete electronics ON Board. They are integrated in systems with less frequent product changes. The advantage here is in the handling, as these systems can mostly be programmed and configured without any tools. A minor disadvantage: the casings are mostly larger than the single camera housing.
- PC-based image processing systems have “Grabber cards” with different systems, which can help in operating several cameras. These image processing systems have the complete programming and configuration software installed in the system and also have the option of using third-party programs. Thus, we are in a position to provide customer-specific, individual user solutions. A network connection with other operator systems is possible in these image processing systems.
We, L&_P Elektroautomatisations GmbH, are not bound to any manufacturer and can therefore select the best hardware configuration for the customers and their application.